Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jeannie's story


My name is Jeannie, and I an an IndyMac investor who has not received over 50K of MY investment. I was told all accounts under 100 were insured and had 2 accounts - cd's in my name of 100k plus a year's interest/dividends.

Please put me on the list of uninsured folks that you are compiling. I have written my Senator's Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby - both expressed their sympathies and basically said that the increased FDIC insurance was not retroactive.... and that was about it. I am livid.

Thank you for spearheading a united effort. I look forward to hearing from you.


1 comment:

  1. Jeannie,
    Thank you for sharing your story regarding Indymac Bank. Just to make it very clear you were NOT an investor at Indymac Bank. As an investor there is an element of risk, a risk that your investment my go up in value or your investment my go down in value. Instead you are a depositor at an FDIC insured financial institution. I hope you see the difference. Your financially insured deposit should NOT have been at risk. I am in the same boat as you because one of my beneficiaries was determined not to be considered qualified by the FDIC. Good Luck to all of us and Happy New Year.
