Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Letter to Timothy Geithner from John Reich

Click Here to read evidence that will help our cause.

I am contacting all the parties cc'd on the bottom of the letter, as well as the author.

Thank you,


Sunday, February 1, 2009

OTS Says 5 Thrifts Improperly Recorded Capital Levels

Bloomberg reports on the backdating issue. Click Here to read the full story....

This just shows that anything is possible in America. Maybe now the new Treasury Czar will see the light when none of us want to pay OUR taxes for a couple of years also, especially since many of us who suffered losses have already pre-paid for years to come. In the best of fair situations, perhaps now some light will be shed on us. It is up to US to keep raising the issue.



4 More Thrifts Backdated Assets

Click Here to Read the story by Scott Reckard of the L.A. Times.

Thanks Scott!

Please comment on his article at the latimes.com & add in your comment...www.indymacdepositors.com. Thank you.

Lisa Marshall

AP Investigation: Banks Sought Foreign Workers

If you are not already sick of what the banking industry is doing, look at what they are doing with your tax dollars. Click Here to read the story.