Sunday, September 27, 2009
New Website & Blog Location
This blog will no longer be updated.
Please visit our new blog:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Protest on Monday July 13th
Despite numerous calls, letters and emails to Congresswoman Jane Harman's office, Senator Barbara Boxer's office, and Senator Dianne Feinstein's office, we have no movement in the area of, "Yes Constituent, let me help you get your savings back."
I have had numerous reports from fellow Indymac Depositors, who have heard the same as me: a mere "I will keep your comments in mind if the topic comes up."
At least we have Congressman Waxman, who has written the strongest letter to date addressed to Chairman Barney Frank.
To all the readers: I have a list of testimonials I could paste on 8 x 11 paper from here to Pasadena, but everyone has pasted their name, address etc. If you are the FDIC reading this, I do not know how you sleep at night. If you are a former Indymac executive, you should go someplace warm for what you have done to the lives of many. This is the Internet, so we need some sense of decorum, which is more than you had, stealing from customers & getting off Scot free.
I will post the pictures from our FDIC demonstration soon, and hope that Karma serves all.
Best regards.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Letter to Senator from Fellow Depositor Keith Brown
February 20, 2009
I am a retired person who unfortunately had funds in excess of the FDIC insured limits in CDs at Indymac Bank at the time of its collapse at subsequent takeover on July 11, 2008.
It appears at this time that my loss will be $ 74,980 and that no further FDIC payout will be made as a result of the recent sale to IMB Management Holdings. The FDIC website states “uninsured deposits will likely remain liabilities that will not be reimbursed.”
To add insult to injury, the proposed FDIC's model is to limit the intended buyer of IndyMac’s potential losses by promising to cover almost all losses in excess of 20 percent of the portfolio in exchange that the buyer be required to offer mortgage modifications to IndyMac customers on terms specified by the FDIC, and fails to adequately consider the consumer protections inherently afforded by the agency in it’s role as receiver under federal law. At the present time, there is insufficient evidence that the FDIC has included uninsured depositor interests as part of the intended IndyMac sale. So, it appears to me that the Buyer, at great discount, bought the failed bank and is additionally protected by the FDIC for a great percentage of any losses on loan modifications, yet I as a depositor have been forgotten with little hope of reimbursement for a large part of my retirement savings. I feel like I and my fellow depositors were “sold out” in order to make a quick sale, clear the books of the FDIC who were in first position, and it smells funny that such a deal was cut for some Wall Street money men.
This news story from is revealing; Feb. 19 (Bloomberg) -- J. Christopher Flowers, whose private-equity firm bought a stake in California’s failed IndyMac Bank, said “low-life grave dancers like me” stand to make “a tremendous fortune” from the financial crisis.
Some of the best opportunities will be in the purchase of assets from governments that were forced to seize failing financial institutions, Flowers, 51, said during a panel discussion in New York today. His “grave dancer” remark drew laughs at the event, sponsored by Source Communications.
It appears that Mr. Flowers and his partners have taken advantage of the FDIC at Depositors’ expense.
Furthermore, there is evidence of Gross Regulatory Malfeasance by the Office of Thrift Supervision. The Treasury Department's Inspector General’s reported that a senior official of the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) knowingly allowed IndyMac to conceal the depth of its financial problems only weeks before it failed by falsifying a key financial filing. IndyMac was allowed to record capital contributions in an earlier period than received, but that the “circumstances and accounting of this transaction as described by OTS are unclear and the documentation by OTS was ambiguous and incomplete.
And let’s not forget that Senator Charles Schumer caused the “run on the bank” by publicly releasing a letter that was critical of the OTS in regulating Indymac. His charges were likely on the mark, but the fact he went public with them prevented an orderly resolution and created a disaster for me and many others - irresponsible and bad judgment in my opinion..
Within two months of Indymac’s failure, FDIC raised its deposit insurance coverage from $100,000 to $250,000 per depositor, too late to help me and 10,000 other Indymac depositors. But as previously stated, the FDIC is willing to help insure the Buyer’s losses (but presumably will not share in any profits that could help offset depositor losses) Perhaps the FDIC should be asked a few questions about this arrangement.
It appears from my research that I will be limited in the losses that I may deduct on my Federal Tax Return. The lost funds had been taxed when I earned the money prior to investing in several CDs, I paid tax on the interest earned on the CDs each year, and now that I have suffered the loss, I am not permitted to deduct the entire loss for income tax purposes. Quite a system we have…
To summarize, an irresponsible Senator caused a run on the bank, the OTS did not properly enforce its regulations and demonstrated malfeasance, the regulator who specifically allowed the falsification (and had done so previously at another bank) has been placed on administrative duty and presumably continues his salary, the Buyer of the failed bank gets an FDIC guaranteed deal against their losses without regard to depositor losses, there is no retroactive increased insurance coverage limits for me and other depositors, and I cannot deduct my losses on deposits on which I had already paid taxes.
I have worked for over forty years, owned my own business for several years, tried to live in a financially responsible way, paid my taxes as a responsible citizen and have learned the harsh reality of incompetent and irresponsible government action (or lack thereof)
I am now asking for some relief to restore my lost retirement funds.
I ask that you consider action to retroactively apply the $250,000 FDIC insured limit to July, 2008, the event that caused the FDIC and US Government to increase limits.
Although the Indymac investigation for fraud has likely diminished or ended since the sale by FDIC, I ask that the investigation continue, since there should be punishment for any perpetrators and I believe that tax deductibility improves if the loss is a result of theft or fraud.
Increase oversight and enforcement of regulations for financial institutions in the future so that others may not have to suffer loss of their hard earned money.
At least change the tax code to allow dollar for dollar loss of deposits in failed banks, regardless of percentage adjusted gross income or AMT considerations. Also, please consider allowing capital loss carryover greater than $3,000 per year. At my age, I may not live long enough to deduct those losses on future returns.
Thank you for listening to a disappointed, angry and frustrated citizen.
Keith Brown
Anniversary Protest/Demonstration July 13th 2009
On July 13, 2009, we as Indymac depositors marked the anniversary of being robbed right out of our bank accounts by demonstrating our frustration, anger (your word here)in front of the FDIC Western Headquarters at 40 Pacifica in Irvine, CA.
We still have no answers, but that we are supposed to be grateful to the FDIC for graciously giving us 50% of our deposits back, while mortgage holders get their loans restructured & GM gets bailed out of bankruptcy.
Since Congress passed the Stimulus package, which has not stimulated anything, except anger among those paying for it we have seen a further decline in consumer confidence, employment and the overall business climate is still very chilly. In this Stimulus package,a increased insurance amount of $250,000 passed 10 weeks after the FDIC took over Indymac. The increase was double and a half the old protection! Now it has been made permanent (You may search H.R. 786 for more on this). Built into this package is increases for inflation and a decrease in cost to the government over the next 10 years, to eventually show a surplus.
The FDIC shall be held accountable for not funding their insurance. We will continue to pursue this until we prevail, either by legislation, or in the court system. The FDIC is using our money to pay its attorneys to defend its position against us. What an ironic situation.
The FDIC can just enter a bank, own the accounts & give you what the erroneous bank records shows it should owe you, even if the bank made horrific mistakes in record keeping, and giving advice on structuring accounts for insurance protection.
I guess William Black's book entitled "The Best Way To Rob a Bank Is To Own One" kind of summarizes how I feel about the FDIC, for taking over a bank not on the wtch list, fire selling it & retaining some of the assets for itself.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
52 pick up?
Just follow the money trail....
FDIC HQ at 40 Pacifica in Irvine July 13th 2009
Congresswoman Jane Harman
P.S. If you don't know who represents you, find out now. Take back control of your life, and our government. It was of the people, by the people for the people, not just the chosen Madoff victims.
Representatives In Congress backing us...
Please write and call your Congressional Representatives. Please call and write Senator Diane Feinstein & Senator Barbara Boxer. Please do it now. Please do it for yourself.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Rep. Gary Miller in Brea
Rep. Jane Harman's office in El Segundo
At the beginning of April, I met with Jane Harman's office in El Segundo, California. In an urgent plea to get backing behind Rep. Adam Schiff of Pasadena to call for an investigation of the FDIC, and the OTS, I met with staff members of Jane Harman's office.
I can tell you that the office told me this was the first they'd heard of this problem. I have great difficulty with that statement, since many of you who live in her district claim to have complained & reported the problems of Indymac depositors.
Today is May 14th. I have called several times to follow up on the visit. Ms. Harman is busy saving her own career, and not nearly as worried about constituents, in my humble opinion. I still urge each of you to write to members of Congress who represent your district. Find and write to your Senators. Make appointments with them and their staff before the recess in June. Do you get a recess? I don't. Let's get them working for us. Cheers, LM
Monday, May 4, 2009
Federal Court Indy Mac bank demysifying federaL COURT
I have been remiss in posting events, responses to letters and so forth. It has been a busy time for a few of us who have been stirring the pot & finding clues to solve this crime/mystery. The one thing we can all point to is some fraudulent activity which led up to the bank's closing.
Today, I visited the Federal court where Indymac/FDIC cases are filed and being heard.
I witnessed one case, which was continued for more information (it was incumbent upon the FDIC to provide information to the court) about delivery of a notice of Proof of Claim to the Plaintiff (depositor).
I will summarize more information in the next few days and offer more details of today 's events and the update of recent events to date.
Federal Court may seem ominous, by I will do my best to de-mystify the process especially as a lay-person, as I attempt to immerse myself in the task of self-representation. I intend to pursue the legal avenue of justice in the Federal court. I hope I set a good example & get more of us to put the pressure on the FDIC on our esteemed representatives in government to take action on the part of the honest, hard-working constituent (voters) and come to a massively favorable conclusion for us all.
As I begin my process of filing, I will let you all know how it goes & who I am addressing in the claim. Until a few months ago, I have enjoyed being the most anonymous person, quiet and private. For the act of getting us all together to do this battle, I will gladly answer you all, the Court will publish my case, and God will be watching over us all. It will be beautiful. I know this sounds very forward thinking, but in the Judge's court this morning, I envisioned attaining success in that room before that judge. Let's see!
You ladies and gentlemen, keep writing your congress people. If you need help with that , I have A LETTER-- for you to fill in and send. You MUST do it If you need help, you call. PLease don't be a pansy, call me if you need help! I think you will be pleased with yourself for giving it your best evvort for the course of action. in from of is.+
Best to you all.
Lisa Marshall
Voice mail: : (641) 715-3900
Enter 48229 and the pound key to leave a message
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Letter to Timothy Geithner from John Reich
I am contacting all the parties cc'd on the bottom of the letter, as well as the author.
Thank you,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
OTS Says 5 Thrifts Improperly Recorded Capital Levels
This just shows that anything is possible in America. Maybe now the new Treasury Czar will see the light when none of us want to pay OUR taxes for a couple of years also, especially since many of us who suffered losses have already pre-paid for years to come. In the best of fair situations, perhaps now some light will be shed on us. It is up to US to keep raising the issue.
4 More Thrifts Backdated Assets
Thanks Scott!
Please comment on his article at the & add in your Thank you.
Lisa Marshall
AP Investigation: Banks Sought Foreign Workers
Saturday, January 31, 2009
OTS Review Finds Lax Regulation
Please Click Here to read the story.
Please post your comments about this article directly on the comment section of the Wall Street Journal area for comments. Please mention on each comment you leave on a publication's commet area. Thank you.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Erica Bovenzi.....and husband John.....
Contact me at to see how you can help get your own money returned to you!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Government Regulators Aided IndyMac Cover-Up, Maybe Others
CLICK HERE to read the story on ABC.
Regulator in IndyMac Case Gets Reassigned
Click Here to read the full story....
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Letter to Congress and House Financial Services Staff
You can add your name, address and telephone, then utilize the Congressional contact list to locate your representative or CLICK HERE to find Congressman Barney Frank, and the House Financial Services staff.
Contact Congress Regarding Indymac
PennyMac Led by Ex-Countrywide Head, Buys FDIC Loans
PennyMac, Led by Ex-Countrywide Head, Buys FDIC Loans (Update3)
Click here to read this article
By David Mildenberg and Linda Shen
Last Updated: January 7, 2009 12:43 EST
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Know When To Hold 'Em
Monday, January 5, 2009
Wall Streeters Flock to Indymac-WSJ 1-5-09
Is the IndyMac Deal a Little Too Sweet?
Saturday, January 3, 2009
San Gabriel Valley News Article Quotes Lisa Marshall, David Barr
In short, David Barr states that the depositors already saw 50% of funds returned, where the FDIC has been paid back nothing.
Question...Does ALLSTATE make sure it can take your house if it has to replace your auto?
Mother of U.S. Soldier, Lost Son, Then Lost Deposit from Insurance
The deposit was her son's life insurance policy payout.
LA TIMES article
IndyMac Bank buyers keep tight-lipped on plan for reviving failed thrift
Private investors agree to purchase the bank for $13.9 billion and promise to make the 33-branch thrift a 'healthy banking institution' again. How they'll do so remains unclear.
By E. Scott Reckard January 3, 2009
Private investors closed a deal Friday to buy Pasadena's IndyMac Bank from regulators, promising to make the 33-branch thrift a "healthy banking institution" again. How exactly do they plan to accomplish that? So far, no one's saying.
WSJ blog
Friday, January 2, 2009
Good for us!
Let us just continue to document all that has happened . . Publishers and serious investigative journalists are interested in the stories of individual citizens sacrificed for a hedge fund, particuarly since Congress wil soon rule on Madoff's high ranking investors who have approached the SEC for a ruling to return all funds . . . someone at a very high level is listening to these hedge fund INVESTORS AND . . . WHADYA know . . . journalists are interested in average citizens too . . .
Indymac Sale Press Release...
Embedded in this release is an attachment. Pasted below, are the first two bullet points of the attachment. Please see the second bullet.
Fact Sheet: FDIC Sale of IndyMac FSB
• The FDIC, as Conservator for IndyMac FSB (“New IndyMac”), entered into a letter
of intent to sell New IndyMac to IMB HoldCo LLC, a thrift holding company
controlled by IMB Management Holdings LP, a limited partnership, for
approximately $13.9 billion. IMB HoldCo is owned by a consortium of private equity
investors led by Steven T. Mnuchin of Dune Capital Management LP.
• Uninsured depositors will not be receiving an additional claims dividend at this time.
Looks like no refunds for depositors at this time according to this official document release.
Comments by John Flory...
1. In general the insurance is only tentative:
it is not confirmed to be good coverage until after the bank fails.
Would you settle for a year of home fire insurance from an agent who says that if the house burns down during hte year, maybe you have converage for the whole $300,000 value, or maybe you have coverage for only the first $100,000, we will only find out after the house burns down?
That's how FDIC insurance is provided to depositors.
There is an obvious solution. Under the current inadequate system,
depositors are told by the FDIC to check on line to verify what the FDIC coverage is. Of course that "verification"
is comnpletely non-binding on the FDIC.
Instead, the FDIC should authorize a qualified bank rep to check this when an account is opened it is made and to provide a binding determination of insurance for the account, or to indicate that the funds should be deposited eleswhere. If the website works for the ignorant depositor, then a bank manager should be capable of conclusively figuring it out, and the FDIC insurance should be binding for a clearly specified time period.
(Of course implicit in this is the fact that FDIC coverage needs to be
simplified so that the FDIC can be confident that a trained bank manager can make a proper determination.)
2. Even if your FDIC coverage is good when you make the deposit, the insurance can be lost (that is reduced significantly) by events occurring after the coverage starts).
If you have FDIC coverage based on trusts, beneficiaries and/or joint owners, the death of an individual can cut coverage by 50% or more.
Would we accept fire insurance that gets cut in half just because one of the named residents had the bad form to up and die at the wrong time?
Insurance offered for a term CD should be deternined and considered good for the term of the CD plus a grace period necessary to withdraw or renew, regardless of who dies during that time.
Or sell a term life insurance policy with the CD to pay the lost FDIC coverage. Depositors should not be playing a negative lottery hoping there is no death.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Press Release
Indymac Depositors Sacrificed for Hedgefund Manager’s Profits?
Summary: Insurance limits have been raised, the OTS has disclosed errors in booking capital, the FDIC has refused to make its communications practices more transparent, and hedge fund manager and potential IndyMac acquirer John Paulson has recommended increased liquidity for the full return of capital to hedge fund investors 10,000 IndyMac depositors have approached Paulson to be heard.
Emeryville, CA, December 31, 2008 – 12 noon EST
After many months of fruitless lobbying the FDIC and learning of the Treasury investigation of OTS regulator Darell Dochow’s decision to allow IndyMac to backdate an infusion of capital from May to March 2008 to keep the bank off the watchlist, IndyMac depositors who lost 50% of their uninsured funds are putting their situation before one of IndyMac’s potential buyers, hedge fund manager John Paulson, to ensure the sale of the bank pays attention to their situation.
“When John Paulson, whose $13-billion Paulson Advantage Plus fund has risen some 38 percent through Dec. 19, testifies before Congress on the wisdom of the $700 bailout and states clearly in his 2009 outlook that hedge fund managers should raise enough liquidity to cover all the redemption requirements of their investors, we want to be heard,” says Fran Quittel, technology recruiter and business journalist, who has lobbied the FDIC for months now regarding changes to make their communications practices more transparent and depositor friendly. “We’ve been in touch with Paulson’s spokesperson Armel Leslie and are awaiting his reply to see if we can also be made whole in this transaction and if not, why not, particularly since we were cash depositors and not shareholders, investors or traders of any sort.”
In fact, Quittel is only one of several IndyMac depositors who have sprung into action to protest the handling of the bank’s takeover and current sale. “That we have received no attention from the FDIC since this started, and this sale is being done in the week between Christmas and New Year’s is yet another example of how the entire matter has been handled,” says Lisa Marshall, creator of, a site where uninsured depositors who have lost funds are flocking to post their stories. The sale, if and when it happens, will ensure that the FDIC – but not the 10,000 uninsured depositors – are repaid first for any funds expended in the takeover.
On July 11, the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) closed IndyMac Bank and appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC) receiver. Depositors who held one or more accounts totaling more than $100,000 per depositor had funds in excess of the limit reduced by 50%. In October of 2008, FDIC insurance limits were raised to $250,000 per depositor per institution until December 31, 2009, with additional protections provided non-interest bearing business payroll accounts, some of which had also been reduced by 50% in the IndyMac failure. On December 22, 2008, Eric Thorson, Inspector General of the US Treasury, reported to Senator Charles Grassley, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Committee on Finance, that OTS regulator Darrell Duchow had allowed IndyMac to backdate an $18 million infusion of capital. News of the pending sale of IndyMac bank was tentatively announced on Christmas Eve. Congress is planning hearings on IndyMac beginning January 7, 2009. IndyMac's group of uninsured depositors is asking to be included in those hearings.
Information on (, communications to Congress and the many efforts expended to improve FDIC communications to depositors can be obtained through:
CONTACT: Lisa Marshall - 310-344-4098, creator/ Hamir Bhatia - 714-269-0252, Fran Quittel - 626-864-1400/cell,,
Uninsured depositors can join the effort by going to Members of Congress responsible for banking and finance include: . Representative Barney Frank . Senator Christopher Dodd . Senator Chuck Schumer . Senator Charles Grassley California senators contacted by IndyMac depositors are Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. Contacted representatives include Barbara Lee, Jane Harman, Henry Waxman, and Adam Schiff.